How to Maximize the Energy of your Space with Crystals and Feng Shui
There are many ways to use Feng Shui in a space in your home, office, or home office. Feng Shui translates to Wind and Water (air and water) they are the two essential elements required to sustain life. All areas of the Earth contain wind and water circulating “chi” which is life giving energy. Feng Shui is also called the art of placement, which circulates and balances your personal chi. You can utilize crystals to enhance or reduce the energy you need.
To begin working with Feng Shui it is important to clear out clutter in your space to allow the chi in your rooms to move freely. This does not mean that you need to get rid of all of your things, but you want to remove anything that is a barrier in a space or blocking energy. Especially items blocking doorways and windows as that is where energy enters and exits. Clutter in your house should be thought of as a clog in an artery or a tumor in the body.
Items send subconscious dialog, so if you have anything broken in your house you either want to fix it or get rid of it right away to not send yourself dysfunction. If you find the item that broke to still be beautiful you do not need to part with it. Think about any messages that possessions send you subconsciously whether broken or just not a positive in your life anymore. Like a wall hanging, you were gifted by an energy sucking ex-friend that reminds you of negative experiences; would be best donated or thrown away. It is also a good rule to have wall hangings and items on shelves at eye-level or lower so you are not sending a message that your goals and aspirations are out of reach. In the same vein you do not want items to be so low that you are gazing downward, which can send a subconscious message of limiting yourself.
Next it is good to understand the 5 Elements of Feng Shui, they are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
In general it is best to have all Feng Shui elements in balance or to use 3-5 of the Feng Shui elements in each space. The Feng Shui elements provide unique energy themselves and also interact with each other to produce an energizing or reducing effect. Before we dive into how the Feng Shui elements interact it is important to understand the fundamentals of each Feng Shui element.
Wood energy in Feng Shui is nourishing, promotes growth mentally and physically, and is great for new beginnings. The symbol of Wood energy with Feng Shui is green and brown (think colors of living creatures i.e. flowers, plants), can include light and medium blues and rectangular shapes. Vital to our well-being, wood energy, is known to enhance eating spaces, children’s rooms, and project spaces.
Examples of crystals with wood energy are green aventurine, green calcite, peridot, unakite, prehnite, jade, green opal, malachite, bloodstone, green apatite, etc.
Fire energy with Feng Shui is energizing, warm, enthusiastic, illuminating, passionate and potent. It is important to use fire in moderation as it can also be destructive. Represented by red hues including orange and violet, and triangular shapes. Fire energy in Feng Shui is good to use in spaces that need high energy and can be utilized in the winter time when there is less sun to augment the sun’s power.
Red, orange, and violet crystals bring this energy into a space, some examples are red jasper, rhodonite, red garnet, goldstone, carnelian, calcite (pink, red & orange), rose quartz, amethyst.
Earth energy with Feng Shui is grounding, balancing and stable. The symbol of Earth energy is light brown, terra-cotta colors and square shape. Any earth tone crystal can help enhance a restful space that is in need of a calming energy. This Feng Shui energy can also be used if you are seeking control and protection.
Examples of crystals are brown colored garnets, brown agates, mahogany obsidian, bumblebee jasper, ocean jasper, polychrome jasper, sunstone, citrine, and tigers eye to name just a few.
Metal energy with Feng Shui is intelligent, healing, and creative. Metal brings us concentration, determination, and organization. This is a good Feng Shui element for your home office or workspace. Metal is sharp and hard and because of that it is protecting. The symbolic colors of metal is white, grey, silver, gold, copper, metallic sheen properties and round shapes.
Crystals with these properties are able to bring metal energy into a space. They include howlite, rutile quartz, pyrite, gold sheen obsidian, etc.
Water energy with Feng Shui is cleansing, nourishing and quiet strength. Water is symbolized by water itself, the colors blue and black, reflective surfaces, and wavy lines. Feng Shui water energy is good in spaces used for relaxation and reflection.
Crystals with water Feng Shui energy can include angel aura quartz, blue lace agate, celestite, blue calcite, sodalite, angelite, lapis lazuli, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, black onyx, hematite, obsidian, etc.
You may be wondering, “How do I know what I need in my space?”
Often times people intuitively find items containing the energy they need without much thought and surprise themselves.
When getting started working with Feng Shui chi/energy it is helpful do these things:
Walk into a space, really look around, and think about what kind of activity you do or would like to do in that space. Would you like the space to be Yin or Yang space?
What emotion do I currently feel in this space? What causes me to feel this way?
Make a mental or physical note of what items need to be removed from the space that are no longer serving you.
After you’ve made a plan for your space, start removing items you made a note to remove.
Then evaluate the flow of the space. You want the energy and your eye to easily and peacefully move around the space. Move anything that is blocking a clear path around the space, then tidy and make the space orderly.
Yin and yang it is the notion of chi/energy balance.
Opposites can not exist without each other and they also support each other.
For example: hot/cold, male/female, bright/dark, birth/death
Yang is outward directed, excitable, action, and big picture oriented.
Yin is inward directed, reserved, contemplative, and good with details.Yang Elements - Earth, Wood, Fire
Yin Elements - Earth, Water, Metal
Earth is a balanced element so it can be either Yin or Yang.
The energizing relationships of the Feng Shui elements are as follows:
Wood fuels Fire
Fire creates Earth
Earth produces Metal
Metal holds Water
Water feeds Wood
The energizing/supporting relationships in Feng Shui mean that if you want to enhance the energy of an element and move counter clockwise to see the energizing element. Fire is fueled by wood energy. For example use carnelian (or other fire stone) with jade (or other wood stone) to enhance fire energy.
The reducing relationship of the Feng Shui elements are:
Wood displaces Earth
Earth controls Water
Water douses Fire
Fire melts Metal
Metal cuts Wood
Reducing relationships are best used in a room where you can not physically get rid of the element you want to reduce without costly renovation (i.e. wood paneling on walls) or if you cannot alter your space (apartment life). Let’s use the wood paneling example here, since there is so much wood on the walls you want to use metal element items to minimize the wood effect. Place metal element crystals in this space such as pyrite or whatever metal crystal calls to you.
I hope this provides you with some basic fundamental knowledge of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui dates back to around 960 B.C. and includes a lot of different teachings and complexities.
Wishing you positive chi!