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What are Chakras?

Writer's picture: Crystal SoulCrystal Soul

The original meaning of the word chakra is wheel, as referring to the wheels of the chariots of the rulers, cakravartians. The oldest text recording of the chakra is in 1500-500 B.C. by the Vedas from India. Since this time there have been many different interpretations of the chakra. There is not one single “correct” version, as it is an ever-evolving philosophy that has been adapted by the many different societies who have embraced it.

Chakra, in this modern age, refers to the wheels of energy in the body. Each Chakra is like a swirl of energy, constantly moving to enrich and enhance your mind, body and soul. If a Chakra is blocked, it could cause an imbalance in your body and state of mind.

Chakra Stones

A reminder to balance your mind and soul are with Chakra stones.

Below are some of the interpretations of stones that correspond with the chakras of the body, and how they may affect you.

GarnetRoot or Base Chakra

Colour Association: Red Sanskrit Name: Muladhara Location: Base of spine, coccyx Lesson: Survival - The right to exist. Deals with tasks related to the material and physical world. Ability to stand up for oneself and security issues.

Imbalances: Anaemia, fatigue, lower back pain, sciatica, depression. Frequent colds or cold hands and cold feet.

Root Stimulants: Physical exercise and restful sleeps, gardening, pottery and clay. Red food & drink. Red gemstones, red clothing, bathing in red, etc. Using red oils such as ylang ylang or sandalwood essential oils.

Carnelian – Spleen Chakra

Colour Association: Orange Sanskrit Name: Svadisthana Location: Below navel, lower abdomen Lesson: Feelings - The right to feel. Connected to our sensing abilities and issues related to feelings. Ability to be social and intimacy issues.

Imbalances: Eating disorders. Alcohol and drug abuse. Depression. Low back pain. Asthma or allergies. Candida & yeast infections. Urinary problems. Sensuality issues as well as impotency and frigidity.

Spleen Stimulants: Hot aromatic baths, water aerobics, massage. Embracing sensation (such as different food tastes). Orange food & drink. Orange gemstones and orange clothing. Using orange oils such as melissa or orange essential oils.

Yellow Jade – Solar Plexus Chakra Colour Association: Yellow

Sanskrit Name: Manipura Location: Above the navel, stomach area Lesson: Personal power-The right to think. Balance of intellect, self-confidence and ego power. Ability to have self-control and humour.

Imbalances: Digestive problems, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, constipation. Nervousness, toxicity, parasites, colitis, poor memory.

Solar Plexus Stimulants: Taking classes, reading informative books, doing mind puzzles. Sunshine. Detoxication programs. Yellow food & drink. Yellow gemstones and yellow clothing. Using yellow oils such as lemon or rosemary essential oils.

Green Aventurine – Heart Chakra Colour Association: Green

Sanskrit Name: Anahata Location: Centre of chest Lesson: Relationships-The right to love. Love, forgiveness, compassion. Ability to have self-control. Acceptance of oneself.

Imbalances: Heart and breathing disorders. Heart and breast cancer. Chest pain. High blood pressure. Passivity. Immune system problems. Muscular tension.

Heart Stimulants: Nature walks, time spent with family or friends. Green food & drink. Green gemstones and green clothing. Using green oils such as eucalyptus or pine essential oils.

Blue Apatite/Blue Crazy Lace: Throat Chakra Colour Association: Blue

Sanskrit Name: Vissuddha Location: Throat region Lesson: Relationships- The right to speak. Learning to express oneself and one’s beliefs (truthful expression). Ability to trust. Loyalty. Organization and planning.

Imbalances: Thyroid imbalances, swollen glands. Fevers and flu. Infections. Mouth, jaw, tongue, neck and shoulder problems. Hyperactivity. Hormonal disorders such as PMS, mood swings, bloating and menopause.

Throat Stimulants: Singing (in the shower), poetry, stamp or art collecting. Meaningful conversations. Blue food and drink. Blue gemstones and blue clothing. Using blue oils such as chamomile or geranium essential oils.

Dumortierite or Lapis – Brow or Third Eye Chakra Colour Association: Indigo

Sanskrit Name: Anja Location: Forehead, in between the eyes Lesson: Intuition-The right to “see.” Trusting one’s intuition and insights. Developing one’s psychic abilities. Self-realization. Releasing hidden and repressed negative thoughts.

Imbalances: Learning disabilities, co-ordination problems, sleep disorders.

Brow Stimulants: Star gazing. Mediation Indigo food & drink. Indigo gemstones and indigo clothing. Using indigo oils such as patchouli or frankincense essential oils.

Amethyst – Crown Chakra Colour Association: Violet

Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara Location: Top of head Lesson: Knowingness- The right to aspire. Dedication to the divine consciousness and trusting the universe. Learning about one’s spirituality. Our connection to the concept of “God” or a higher intelligence. Integrating one’s consciousness and subconsciousness into the super-consciousness.

Imbalances: Headaches. Photosensitivity. Mental illness. Neuralgia. Senility. Right/left brain disorders and coordination problems. Epilepsy. Varicose veins and blood vessel problems. Skin Rashes.

Crown Stimulants: Focusing on dreams. Writing down one’s visions and inventions. Violet food & drink. Violet gemstones and violet clothing. Using violet oils such as lavender or jasmine essential oils.

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